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RideFinders vanpools are groups of commuters sharing the ride to and from work in vans provided by RideFinders. Vanpools include a primary driver, back-up driver and riders who split the operational cost by paying a low monthly fare. All participants are eligible to receive up to four free Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) vouchers per year in case of an emergency that causes them to leave early or stay late.


Monthly vanpool fares cover use of the RideFinders van, fuel costs, oil changes, and other preventative maintenance.


While gas prices have gone up, RideFinders lowered fares to assist our region with their work commutes!

RideFinders Vanpool Fare Chart
Madison County residents commuting to work in Madison or St. Clair Counties:

Under this new initiative, if you are a Madison County resident commuting to work in Madison County or commuting to work in St. Clair County, you are eligible to pay a discounted vanpool fare.


Live in Madison County and work in Madison County: $50/ month

Live in Madison County and work in St. Clair County: $70/ month

RideFinders is dedicated to helping you get to and from work in the safest manner possible. As you commute to work with us, we are here to provide you with resources for a safe and sustainable commute through our Clean Commute Commitment.

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